Personal Notes-Ether.js

  • installing npm i ethers
  • we pass the rpc as the following to connect to the blockchain in the main(). const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("")

  • Private keys basically prove you are the owner of the address mentioned. const waller = new ethers.Wallet("7dbe32jhbdskjbb1hh1hj3jn",provider);

  • In order to deploy our contract we need the ABI and the binary contract compiled in the contract.

const fs=require("fs-extra");


//entry point to the blockchain network
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("") ;

//private key to sign and prove you are the owner of the network
 =>so we can sign deploying the contract
 ==> basically says yes, this address has deployed the contract.
const waller = new ethers.Wallet("7dbe32jhbdskjbb1hh1hj3jn",provider);

//get the abi file. => our code knows how to interact with the contract
const abi = fs.readFileSync("./SimpleStorage_sol_SimpleStorage.abi","utf8");

//get the binary file. => binary file is the main compiled code
const binary = fs.readSync("./SimpleStorage_sol_SimpleStorage.bin","utf8")

//contractFactory is just an object you can use to deploy contracts
const contractFactory = new ethers.ContractFactory(abi,binary,wallet);  

//deploy the contract
const contract = await contractFactory.deploy() //main should be async


We can add additional information for a given contract

//deploy the contract
const contract = await contractFactory.deploy ({
  gasPrice: 10000000,
  gasLimit: 100000000,
  • Transaction Receipts Is the receipt you get after one block is deployed on the network const transactionReceipt = await contract.deployTransaction.wait(1)

Transaction Response is what you get after you've created your transaction contract.deployTransaction

const contract = await contractFactory.deploy()

//retrieve is a abi
const currentNumber = await contract.retrieve().toString();

currentNumber is a big number as javascript does not handle decimal points well, and tends to lose precision. so to convert a big Number we convert the result to a string

  • It's best practice to pass variables as strings in solidity.

-.wait(1) returns a receipt after its added to the block

  • create a .env file -

________________npm i________________
npm i dotenv


  • create a .gitignore file
  • ``` .env node_modules